Friends of the Earth: Join the Fight for Warm Homes on 18th November

A photo showing patches for a quilt with letters on, spelling out "United for warm homes", on a peach colour background.
November 14, 2023
Spotlight on: Friends of the Earth, the UK's largest grassroots network dedicated to protecting people and planet

Our partner Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) take over the Warm This Winter blog to talk about their upcoming plans, and how you can get involved! Read on...

Friends of the Earth (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) has been fighting for people and the planet for decades. We also have a vast network of over 200 local action groups made up of people in communities who are passionate about tackling the climate and ecological crises, and fighting for a fairer, greener world for everyone.

United for Warm Homes

Last year, we launched our United for Warm Homes campaign, a growing movement of community groups and activists from all walks of life campaigning for a common goal: warm homes for all.  

Millions of us will continue to struggle to pay our bills this winter because of high energy prices. And years of government inaction has left our homes damp, cold and expensive to heat. The energy crisis, which is far from over, has made one thing clear: our housing stock and energy systems are broken. Without rapid, meaningful action, we’ll face continuous hardship. Thankfully, there are long-lasting solutions to cut our bills, keep our homes warm and reduce carbon emissions. That’s why United for Warm Homes is calling for: 

→ Urgent support for people dealing with sky-high energy bills. 

→ A new emergency programme to insulate our heat-leaking homes. 

→ An energy system powered by cheap, green renewables. 

We also have specific asks for the Welsh government - take a look here.

You can all find out more about our goals for the campaign here, and sign up to support with your own local campaigns and actions here.

What is happening on 18th November? 

On Saturday 18th November, we’ll come together for a nationwide Day of Action calling for lower energy bills and warm homes for all. We’ll be putting pressure on our politicians to act by showing that our communities are united for warm homes. This is our chance to show MPs that our communities urgently need warm homes as we head into another expensive winter. 

Here’s how local groups are coming together to prepare for the Day of Action

How can you support? 

The Day of Action will be a display of people power showing we have the solutions to the energy crisis and they need to be implemented now. This pack has lots of ideas for how you can support the Day of Action, and show MPs that our communities are united for warm homes. 

  • Join your local event or Warm Homes group: over 100 local groups nationwide are organising local United for Warm Homes campaigns. Check this map, and this list of groups running events, to find out about events happening in your area and how you can get involved.
  • Share your support on social media, in local press, and with your MP/MS: for example, use this template letter and template MP briefing to ensure your MP hears about the campaign and commits to action. 

Run your own day of action activity, however big or small: for example, take a campaign photo with your community (using these posters), or create a United for Warm Homes community quilt using this guide.