One in five people across the UK live in cold damp homes, which the NHS has warned have serious adverse health effects.
The UK has elected a new government in a decisive vote for change.
Insulating homes and changes to standing charges are among measures which could have saved households hundreds of pounds.
New research comes after over 20,000 people join campaign to claim back their excess energy credit.
New research sets out how standing charges could be reformed to make energy bills fairer for households.
Ahead of general election, new research shows voters support a social tariff for energy.
UK households send a "wake up call" to energy companies in new campaign.
Campaigners label exit fees as a "serious concern" and urge government to implement long-term solutions.
Households will see an extra £28 on their annual bill from 1st April as Ofgem allows energy firms to increase charges
New report reveals the international investment firms that own our gas infrastructure and are profiting from our bills.
How campaigners reacted to Jeremy Hunt’s budget statement.
MPs are called on to back an investigation into millions of pounds charged to consumers but not spent.
Everything you need to know about our new report digging into the standing charges we pay for electricity.